We respect our users' privacy when we conduct research.

We practice human-centered design when we build tools for internet freedom. The way we build tools also builds community. Our user research is founded on the premises of consent, respect, and empathy. You can make an impact in your community by learning from our methods and helping us with user research.

User Research

Become an alpha tester

We rely on a community of volunteer Alpha testers to try out early versions of Tor Browser before their general release. Sign up to become an Alpha tester.

Open User Research

We put our users in the center of our development process. That is how we bring privacy-enhancing technology to the ones who more need it. Explore what we are working on and start to run user research with your local community.

User Research Guidelines

We collect only necessary data to improve our services.

Hulka bayana za Tor

User personas are a key component of our human-centered design process that help us communicate the motivations, pain points and goals of our users.


Tumejitolea kwa muundo uliowazi ili uweze kuona utafiti wa watumiaji ambao tumefanya ndani ya jumuiya yetu.

Jinsi ya kujitolea

Tunajali kuhusu faragha na usalama.

Data Handling Policy

How we handle the data collected during user research to best protect our users.

Kuwa mtafiti mtumiaji wa jamii

Wewe ni mtafiti wa muundo, mtafiti wa mtumiaji, mwanafunzi au mtu aliye na nia ya kujifunza zaidi kuhusu watumiaji wa Tor? Je, una mawazo mapya, mapendekezo au utafiti ambao unaweza kusaidia kuboresha programu za Tor? Tusaidie kwa kuratibu utafiti wa watumiaji na jumuiya ya eneo lako, na upate kujifunza zaidi kuhusu mbinu bora za kufanya kazi na watumiaji walio hatarini.

Orodha ya baruapepe za timu ya UX