This guide will help you set up a standalone Snowflake proxy using Docker to help censored users connect to the Tor network. We have a Docker image to ease the setup of a Snowflake proxy.

1. Install Docker

The instructions in this step are for Debian-based systems, but you can find Docker instructions for other supported platforms.

Open a terminal and run these commands:

$ sudo apt install curl
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sudo sh

2. Download the docker compose file

Download the docker-compose.yml configuration file. Run the command to download it:

$ wget

Ensuite, déployez le proxy en exécutant :

docker compose up -d snowflake-proxy

This command starts the Snowflake proxy in detached mode. Vous devriez maintenant voir la sortie :

Creating snowflake-proxy ... done

et votre proxy est opérationnel !

3. Checking your Docker logs

To access your Snowflake proxy logs, first find the container ID number. Exécutez la commande :

$ docker ps

Your Snowflake container ID is on the same line of thetorproject/snowflake-proxy:latest. Replace the container ID below with yours and run the command:

$ docker logs -f 42fb82372340

4. Automatic updates with Watchtower

The docker-compose.yml file contains a watchtower container, configured to automatically check for updates to the snowflake docker container every day, download them and run them. Si vous l'utilisez, votre proxy snowflake sera automatiquement mis à jour ! Sinon, vous devrez périodiquement extraire le dernier conteneur et le redémarrer manuellement.